
Is It Time For Assisted Living?

Whether to move a loved one into an assisted living home or hire an in-home caregiver is a difficult decision. Families can feel pressure to continue providing care for an aging adult despite signs that it might be time to explore other options. Other times families may find themselves unsure as to whether a loved one may need around the clock care.

While there is rarely a clear sign that it is time to move an aging family member to an assisted living home or hire an in-home caregiver, recently published a list of eleven signs that family members and caregivers can look for to help in making that decision. Here are some highlights from that article:

  1. Big Red Flags: Car accidents, slips and falls, slow recovery from illnesses, or a chronic health condition that seems to be getting worse can all be signs that it’s time to consider assisted living homes or in-home care.


  1. Up-Close Signs: Noticeable weight gain and weight loss, and changes in body odor or appearance can be signs of chronic illnesses and other health issues that can require more hands-on care. The easiest way to tell? Give an aging family member a hug.


  1. Social Signs: Is your loved one still leaving the house to visit friends and participate in clubs and activities they were once active in? No matter our age, humans are social! If an aging family member is being antisocial it might be time to take a closer look at their overall health.


  1. Kitchen Signs: Multiples of the same kitchen item like bottles of ketchup, stale or expired foods and a freezer full of microwavable meals can be signs that an aging family member is having issues with their memory or taking care of themselves.


  1. Pet-Care and Plant-Care Signs: Poor pet care and plant care from someone that used to be a plant-lover or treated their pets like family can be warning signs of larger memory or health issues.


  1. Input from Others: You aren’t the only person that cares about your loved ones. Talking to their circle of friends or others that see them often can give insight into what goes on when you aren’t around.

You check out the others signs here:

If you have already made the choice to make use of assisted living homes or in-home care services be on the lookout for signs of abuse or neglect. Injuries such as falls or fractures and a reluctance to speak while caregivers are around can be signs that you should contact the authorities. Companies will often try to deny these kinds of signs are the result of neglect or abuse, so having a lawyer that specializes in nursing home abuse and neglect cases on your side should always be a priority.



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